A prank can be known as a “practical” joke because it refers to the fact that the joke consists of someone doing something physical, instead of a verbal or written joke.
For example, the joker who is setting up and conducting the practical joke might hang a bucket of water above a door way and rig the bucket using pulleys so when the door opens the bucket dumps the water. The joker would then wait for the victim to walk through the doorway and be drenched by the bucket of water. This is a really common prank that people play on each other because it is really unexpected. These kinds of pranks may make people mad or make people have fun, there are people who are really serious in life and don't like playing with these kinds of pranks, while others play prank on people for a living, which is really annoying sometimes, but oh well. pranks are cool and fun.
Here is a link that describes the exact situation that I just described above.
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