Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Pranks and the Social Media

I find this super hilarious because I'm sure this has happened to more than half of us. When we forget to log off Facebook or any other social media, crazy friends around your laptop would write weird things on your status, whether its about you or something completely nonsense. I'm sure everyone's gone through that, am I right?

Social media pranks do usually happen when one has forgotten to log out of a site, and other people would prank them by writing inappropriate or embarrassing messages on their Facebook or Twitter statuses.
As well as being a fun way to mess with your friends, these social media pranks can be mistaken to many people. Some people may laugh about it and comment back, while some people may take it as an offense depending what the status says.
There was a time when my friend forgot to log off her face book account and she went to get us food, we updated crazy statues like, I LIKE PIE, I AM STUPID, I FAILED MY MATH EXAM, OR LIKE I LOVE BOYS, OR RANDOM THINGS that could have pissed people off as well. But we were nice enough to make it “ call me maybe” yes we were pretty lame kids, but it was really fun! Pranks can be done in any way and I think the media does have a huge impact on people as well.


By: Arosha Sehgal 

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